Reference case

Chinese Startup Landscape

China Startup Dashboard

The global material science company Covestro was looking for an engaging way to monitor the development of the Chinese startup landscape, as well as to efficiently identify particular startup companies to interact with.

In response, Kairos Future developed a monitoring solution in collaboration with Dcipher Analytics. The uses a 75-inch touch screen, through which China's startup landscape can be interactively explored at an overview level, as well as within different industries, geographic regions, and innovation areas. 

The touch interface consists of 10 views that visualise up-to-date data on Chinese startups along these dimensions, as well as on patents they hold, how they have featured in news reporting, investments they have received, and other metrics. The same interface allows zooming in on any corner of the startup landscape – thereby getting overviews of startup activities in different fields, following trends and developments over time, identifying key stakeholders in different ecosystems, as well as finding collaboration partners and CVC targets.

Now you can use the same solution. For more information, download our PDF with more information and check out the product page. Contact us if you would like to monitor and explore another field using a similar solution. We built customized tools for touchscreen and the web.

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