Insight and Foresight Monitor

Explore and monitor startup landscape

Who would not want a continuously updated 360 update of what’s happening in the business, in the industry or a certain area or domain, what the competitors are doing or where the customers are headed? And having all the information gathered on a single interactive screen where you can interact with data in real time, drill down into specific issues and collaborate with others in the interpretation.

This is what our concept Insight- and foresight monitor is all about. By collecting and processing different types of internal and external data, including unstructured data such as news media, social media, patents and the like, you can get an overall picture of an area of interest.

One example is the solution we built for the German materials technology company Covestro. They were interested in getting a complete picture of the Chinese startup landscape, in finding customers, partners and investment objects. There, the data sources were patents, news media, company data, investment information compiled from various sources, etc. Everything was presented in an interactive dashboard, in this case a 75-inch touch screen.


Ten views show conditions and events from different horizons. The same views are entrances for diving and exploring the startup landscape within a geographical area, an industry or a thematic domain: for example, select a city on the map and all views provide overviews of the start-up companies in the city. Then select a patent class in the patent diagram, and the entire dashboard shows companies with this type of patent in the selected city.

Once you have narrowed down the hunting ground, it is time to look among specific interesting startup companies. Click on a company to read about it, and press again and all views will be updated to show this particular company's investment history, ownership, news reporting and more.

In the same way, almost any other area can be handled. Contact us for more information, and read more about this particular case in the pdf here.

In addition to the touch screen tool, we also offer access to the same information via an API. You can also subscribe to updated data in an area you follow.