Technology & Innovation
Here you can find links to other pages on this website with the tag technology & innovation.
Courses & Training Programs
Lectures & Talks on Request
Lunch and Learn
The new tech paradigm
The Future Food System: Drivers, Trends and Challen
The new AI-powered world – how it affects businesses, professions and people
The Future of Manufacturing
The Future of Industry Innovation
The Future of Technology 2050
The Future of AI and Machine Learning
5 ingredients of innovation
Ambidexterity – efficiency and innovation intertwined
The innovation gap – the challenge of the future
Disruptive Technologies
The Future of Manufacturing
Metaverse 2040 – The potential beyond the hype
The [digital] Organizations of the Future Are Agile
(Digital) Transformation – Four Factors from the Most Successful
How does Sweden work with innovation
Four Shifts Characterizing Swedish Organizations' Work with Innovation
Data-driven Masterclass
Future driven organization and innovation (poster)
Seven steps to the data-driven organization
China's start-up landscape
Blockchain-inspired technical solutions for accounting, auditing, and taxation
Is systematic innovation possible?
The land registry in the blockchain
Seven Steps to Benefit from the Tech Revolution
How to Climb in Hotel Rankings
China's Map of Innovation
The Future of Business Transformation
The Data Explosion and The Future of Health
The Cry For The Crowd: 7 Steps To an Innovative Company
The Cry For The Crowd: The Marketing Managers Guide To Innovation
The Cry For The Crowd: 4 Steps To Crowdsourced Intelligence
China's R&D Landscape
China's Three Waves of Innovation