
Seven steps to the data-driven organization

“The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data”. This bold claim was made in 2017 by The Economist.

So how mature are companies in general when it comes to taking advantage of data and AI? Does data maturity play any real role – do data mature companies and organizations perform better than their less mature peers? And what role does culture and management play in the data game?

These were questions that Kairos Future and Bisnode asked in the summer of 2019. To look for the answers, we went through a large number of case studies that described how companies implemented data analysis and AI solutions, we built models over data maturity and interviewed over 500 business leaders in 10 European countries.

The answers were, to say the least, surprising, perhaps not in the direction, but in strength: Data maturity is not only a future success factor, but already seems to have a very strong impact on the competitiveness of companies. Few immature companies are top performers in their industry, while top performers are usually just data mature, and in addition have significantly more data-savvy leaders.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast, management philosopher Peter Drucker noted many years ago. And it also seems to apply to data maturity. The data-mature companies almost always have an innovative, curious culture. They are seekers, pioneers, explorers and innovators. They are inventing the future rather than waiting for it.

Read more about the seven steps to a data-driven organization that we have identified.

Published: 2019