The Future Workplace

Lectures & Talks on Request

The Future Workplace

New values among the workforce, new technology that allows other ways of working and new demands on financial profitability and efficiency leads to offices and workplaces changing fundamentally.

Right now there is a revolution in the world of work. New values among the workforce, new technology that allows other ways of working and new demands on financial profitability and efficiency leads to offices and workplaces changing fundamentally.

The new technology provides the opportunity to work in new ways, detached from ones own workstations and offices. Communication is everything, and communication is possible at all times. Meetings need no longer only be done in person in the same room, but can just as easily be done through virtual meeting places. The new movement together with the technology allows many to work outside the office walls. This requires leadership and organization.

We are moving away from fixed work stations to activity based work environments that enhance creativity an efficiency. In this lecture we focus on this revolution, how it looks and what it means for the future of businesses and organizations.

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Lectures & Talks on Request