The Baby Boomers

Lectures & Talks on Request

The Baby Boomers

The generation usually referred to as baby boomers, born between 1945 and 1954 are on the march. What do they make of their freedom as seniors?

The generation usually referred to as baby boomers, born between 1945 and 1954 are on the march. Towards a new time and a new life. They are different. They are many. They are demanding and accustomed to getting whatever they want.

They are our new teenagers with plenty of time and only themselves to consider. And they look forward to a life of complete freedom. But what do they make of their freedom as seniors? Do they work, engage in volunteer work - or play golf and drink cocktails? How do they see retirement and elderly care? And what do they do if they do not get their way?
Kairos Future has done many studies about this generation, as consumers, travellers, customers, to name a few. The first study was done in 1999 and then continuously.

This lecture can be focused on several different topics about this generation, ie retirement and elderly care, generation shifts or values and lifestyle charactarizing the generation.

Book your lecture by contacting us directly!

Lectures & Talks on Request