Counsulting Area

Wind Tunnel/Stress Testing of Strategy and Concepts

Future proof your strategy, brand and products

Is our strategy viable and robust in the light of contemporary trends and disruptive change? That’s a question our clients often ask us.

To find out, we advice them to do a strategic wind tunnel test to find out. A wind tunnel test is a fairly straightforward procedure, wherein we check how well the business strategy, brand or specific products perform when challenged by critical trends and scenarios. Is the strategy, the brand or the product future-proof, do they need minor adjustments or even genuine and fundamental transformation in order to be fit for the future?

Provided that the most relevant trends and scenarios are selected, the wind tunnel test will provide solid results. It will show the strengths and weak spots and offer guidelines for improvements or re-directions.
The test is normally a part of a strategic activity, and a starting point for strategy development, innovation activities or brand development.

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