
Urban Trend Hunt New York

On September 10-13, we will follow up on the success of last fall and arrange a new Urban Trend Hunt for New York.

Sharpen your skills in trend spotting and interpreting urban consumer cultures by joining Kairos Futures analysts in the field. On September 10-13, we will conduct a new Urban Trend Hunt in New York, a trip where we explore the latest trends in consumption, culture, lifestyles and experiences for just over three days. We will visit creative environments, innovative stores and hybrid concepts in retail, restaurants and experiences.

You will gain insights and inspiration from the creative front in one of the world's leading cities in areas such as urban and site development, shopping, hotels, restaurants and clubs. Maybe the trend spotting trip will shape your next business or product concept in ways you never imagined?

Maybe you'll better understand what the artist on the Lower East Side asked us last time: Do you know why people are willing to crowd into small apartments and pay sky-high prices and commute long distances to live in New York? It's the energy! Let's tap into that energy together!

If you are interested in joining, contact Jörgen Jedbratt, Senior Partner and responsible for the Urban Trend Hunt concept. 

Price: 23 500 SEK

Join the Urban Trend Hunt by contacting Jörgen Jedbratt.

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