Research Project

Strategic tourism development for the future

Strategic tourism development for sustainable place development is a study for those who want to understand how your place, city, municipality or region can develop the tourism industry strategically, as part of your growth and development strategies. 

What we want to illustrate and show examples of in this study is how the tourism industry can be developed with large and far-reaching positive effects, in addition to tax revenues and jobs. We will also provide examples of what this has looked like in relation to organizational and coordination formats in different locations. 

What is strategic tourism?

This means developing tourism as an integral part of development and growth strategies. A development or growth strategy usually includes a situation analysis and a vision, which in turn is based on the cultural, economic and social characteristics of the place. The vision may consist of a more diversified economy, or the development of the municipality's services to its residents. It can be about creating viability in an area, attracting labor or infrastructure that needs to be developed to ensure quality of life.

In turn, the municipal administration and/or the county works to lead the efforts and initiatives that will result in a successful move towards the desired situation. With this in place, strategic hospitality can look like this: 

  • Development of conference strategy in knowledge industry areas that are of strategic value for the growth plan and development of priority industries according to the growth strategy. 
  • Development of an experience industry that contributes to the desired movement. This can involve everything from nature tourism to concert activities, the idea being to attract visitors who harmonize with the values of the place and the desired location. 
  • Development of infrastructure that enhances mobility and movement flows. For example, student housing, hotels or visitor destinations that improve the dynamics between existing places that need to be developed, or completely new places. 
  • Strategic partnerships between places and cities in areas such as education, culture or entertainment to draw on each other's resources in marketing and developing the place. 
  • Active engagement to develop and promote the qualities of the place to groups that can determine migration, such as accompanying persons, children and young people, or students. This can range from niche educational institutions, a rich cultural life or positioning in relation to other locations.

And how do you achieve this?

To work more strategically requires coordination and an understanding of how different actors can complement each other's activities to strengthen the movement towards the desired situation. Examples of new forms of coordination are that business developers, DMO or other local organization, and the public administration work together in the right format and forum to highlight development areas, infrastructure, products and services with the potential to contribute to the growth strategy. 

The study begins with a kick-off meeting in June 2024, followed by research and interviews during the summer and early fall. A results workshop will be held in October 2024. The study will be conducted in Swedish.

Contact me if you have any questions!