China's R&D Landscape
En serie av rapporter om forskning och utveckling i Kina
China's rise as a innovation power is affecting every field of technology. To help our clients better understand the emerging Chinese R&D landscape in their respective fields, we have created a series of reports on R&D in China. In each of the 35 fields, the following questions are answered: Where in China does the R&D in the field take place? What companies and academic institutions in China are driving this R&D effort? What has been the focus of Chinese R&D in the field?
You can get an introduction to the reports for free or order the full report by emailing your name, email address and billing address to: chinainnovation@kairosfuture.com. The following reports are available for purchase:
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Analysis of Biological Materials
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Audio-Visual Technology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Basic Communication Processes
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Basic Materials Chemistry
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Biotechnology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Chemical Engineering
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Civil Engineering
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Computer Technology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Control
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Digital Communication
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Electrical Machinery, Apparatus, Energy
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Engines, Pumps, Turbines
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Environmental Technology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Food Chemistry
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Furniture, Games
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Handling
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: IT Methods for Management
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Machine Tools
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Macromolecular Chemistry, Polymers
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Materials, Metallurgy
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Measurement
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Mechanical Elements
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Medical Technology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Micro-Structure and Nano-Technology
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Optics
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Organic Fine Chemistry
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Other Consumer Goods
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Other Special Machines
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Pharmaceuticals
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Semiconductors
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Surface Technology, Coating
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Telecommunications
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Textile and Paper Machines
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Thermal Processes and Apparatus
- The Chinese R&D Landscape: Transport and Automotive
Publicerad: 2012
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